Our Locations
6620 Long Drive, Houston, TX 77087
306 Spencer Hwy South Houston, TX 77587

Our Contact

About Us

La Silla Motors is a local used car lot that does Buy Here, Pay Here. No credit check, easy finance as long our requirements are met you are approved. One thing that makes us different from the rest is that our down payments include TTL.

Our goal is to help our customers when possible, so they can feel comfortable and happy with the service we provide and consider La Silla Motors for their next vehicle purchase.

La Silla Motors es un lote de autos usados local que compra aqui, paga aqui. Sin verificacion de credito, financiacion facil, siempre que se cumplan nuestros requisitos, estara aprobado. Algo que nos diferencia del resto es que nuestros pagos iniciales incluyen TTL.

Nuestro objectivo es ayudar a nuestros clientes cuando sea posible, para que se sientan comodos y contentos con el servicio que brindamos y consideren a La Silla Motors para su proxima compra de vehiculo.

Ph. 713-640-9977 
Other: 832-977-4173

Our Location

6620 Long Dr. Houston, TX 77087
306 Spencer Hwy South Houston, TX 77587

Nosotros hablamos en español